The Korea Herald


German doctors remove 28-kilo tumor from woman

By 박한나

Published : Oct. 28, 2012 - 09:23

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Doctors in Germany said Friday they had removed a tumor weighing 28 kilogram’s (62 pounds) from a 60-year-old woman who had previously been diagnosed as obese.

A spokesman from the university clinic in the eastern city of Dresden said the woman, Irmtraud Eichler, had made a full recovery after the seven-hour operation and was now able to walk again with crutches.

The so-called "borderline" tumor, measuring 60 centimeters (24 inches) by 50 centimeters, attached itself to an ovary and Eichler began to put on weight at an alarming rate.

Her doctor put the weight gain down to a combination of diabetes and a lack of activity and prescribed a course of anti-obesity medicine.

However, when she could barely stand due to the swelling, her daughter insisted on a second opinion and an ultrasound scan revealed the growing tumor, which was found to be neither benign but not especially malignant either.

The operation removed not only the tumor, but also her uterus, ovaries and thyroid, which had expanded, causing her windpipe to contract and have breathing difficulties.

When removed, the tumor filled a wheelbarrow, the spokesman said.

Eichler lost a total of 40 kilogram’s during the operation and described herself as "super happy."

"I cannot thank the doctors enough. I am a new person," she said according to local news agency DPA. (AFP)


<한글 기사>

살찐 줄 알았더니..28kg짜리 초대형 종양

독일의 60세 여성 난소에서 28kg까지 자란 초대형 종양이 성공적으로 제거됐다.

독일 드레스덴 대학병원은 비만으로 진단된 이 여성의 난소로부터 60cm x 50cm 크기에 무게 28kg의 경계성 종양(borderline tumor)을 7시간에 걸친 수술 끝에 제거했다고 밝혔다.

경계성 종양이란 양성종양과 악성종양의 경계에 있는 종양을 말한다.

수술팀은 이 종양과 함께 난소와 자궁도 함께 절제했다.

이름트라우트 아이힐러라는 이 여성은 놀라운 속도로 체중이 불어나 의사들은 처음엔 당뇨병과 운동부족으로 인한 비만으로 진단하고 비만치료제를 처방했다.

그러나 나중엔 몸이 부어올라 일어서기조차 힘들게 돼 초음파 검사를 실시한 결과 엄청난 크기의 종양이 발견됐다.

이 수술로 체중이 무려 40kg나 빠진 이 여성은 "새 사람이 된 기분"이라면서 기뻐했다.