The Korea Herald


Daily Sports Hankook hopes to help stengthen Korea-Indonesia ties through business forum

By Korea Herald

Published : Nov. 28, 2023 - 17:59

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Attendees of the forum pose for a photo at the K-WAVE AND I-WAVE event including Daewoo E&C's Chairman Jung Won-ju (center), The Korea Herald CEO Choi Jin-young (second from left), and Cho Sung-hyun (second from right), director of the Corporate Planning and Management Division of Daily Sports Hankook. (The Korea Herald) Attendees of the forum pose for a photo at the K-WAVE AND I-WAVE event including Daewoo E&C's Chairman Jung Won-ju (center), The Korea Herald CEO Choi Jin-young (second from left), and Cho Sung-hyun (second from right), director of the Corporate Planning and Management Division of Daily Sports Hankook. (The Korea Herald)

The Korea-Indonesia Cooperation Forum is all set to take place on Thursday in Jakarta, marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Indonesia.

The forum is a significant step toward strengthening cooperation, boosting collaboration, and exploring business opportunities between the two nations.

The Korea Herald had an interview with Cho Sung-hyun, the director of the Corporate Planning and Management Division of The Daily Sports Hankook, one of the media partners for the Korea-Indonesia Cooperation Forum.

Q. As a media partner, what is the background of co-hosting the Korea-Indonesia Cooperation Forum commemorating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties?

A. The background of this joint project stems from a longstanding interest in promoting exchange programs between overseas and Korean business communities. There is keen anticipation for Indonesia's growth, especially given the scheduled relocation of the capital city from Jakarta to Borneo Island and efforts to overcome economic challenges while establishing new growth drivers.

Additionally, the popularity of the Korean Wave in Indonesia and the positive image of Korea contribute to expectations that Korean companies will expand their presence and sustain growth in the country.

As a media partner for the Korea-Indonesia Cooperation Forum, we aim to highlight various aspects of Indonesia -- including its culture, economy, and politics -- while shedding light on the direction Korean businesses can take in the future.

Q. How do you rate the event, and the future of bilateral relations?

A. Together for the Future has been an incredible event for me to understand Indonesia's enormous potential and the supportive role that Korea can play in unleashing the Southeast Asian country's potential. The dynamic changes of Indonesia, from the development of environment-friendly energy technology to the relocation of the capital city, convince me that Indonesia is an up-and-coming country for an exciting ride to economic growth. By the same token, I believe that I-Wave has the potential for becoming the next K-Wave given the country's enormous population and passion for entertainment. As Korea and Indonesia have formed a solid partnership for the last half a century, Korean companies can play a significant role in putting Indonesia on the map. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage is an area where Korean energy companies and Indonesian government bureaus can establish a partnership to help create a clean atmosphere while enabling people to enjoy the conveniences of fossil fuels. Indonesia's passionate prospects of entertainment can contribute to diversifying K-pop groups and creating a distinct identity of I-Wave going forward. The enthusiastic academic and economic exchange between Korean and Indonesian professionals today assures me that the future is bright for Korea and Indonesia.

Q. Please elaborate on your collaboration with Thuongmai University in Vietnam to promote Korean language education and other educational initiatives, and state your goals.

A. Acting on behalf of the family company, Beomsan Corporation, we have been collaborating with Thuongmai University in Hanoi, Vietnam, to provide Korean language education services to Vietnamese locals since March 2022.

Moreover, we are currently preparing to launch an executive education program in collaboration with Thuongmai University starting in April 2024. This program will target Korean business leaders, executives in Vietnam, Vietnamese business professionals and government officials.

Q. As someone involved in the construction industry, why do you have a particular interest in the media sector, as seen in your roles in Living TV Corporation and The Daily Sports Hankook Corporation?

A. There is keen anticipation for Indonesia's growth, especially given the scheduled relocation of the capital city from Jakarta to Borneo Island.

Q. If you have plans for this media group's future growth and development, please share them.

A. To transform our family company into a globally recognized comprehensive media group, I plan to venture into the media coverage of financial news and other synergizing areas.